
首页 > 单机游戏补丁 > 其他补丁 > 坎巴拉太空计划 v1.7.3升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版
坎巴拉太空计划 v1.7.3升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版

坎巴拉太空计划 v1.7.3升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版

  • 补丁类型:其他补丁
  • 更新时间:2021-07-31
  • 补丁语言:中文,英文



1.解压缩 2.运行对应系统的update目录下的EXE安装升级档 3.复制PLAZA文件夹下的免DVD文件到游戏安装目录 4.开始游戏




*添加gameevent onsceneconfirmexit,在用户输入后运行,在flightstate保存之前离开场景。
1.7.3变更日志-仅限1.2.0 DLC破土动工

*修复中文标题为空的Stage Manager显示。
*在ctrlsurface paw中增加了无焦点功能,以恢复krakentech的便捷访问。



1.7.3 Changelog - BaseGame ONLY (see below for Breaking Ground changelog)

+++ Improvements  
* Added same vessel part collisions advanced tweakable.  
* Adjusted KerbalEVA Action messages to be above center screen.  
* Made KerbalEVA screen position configurable via Game Settings - EVA_SCREEN_MESSAGE_X,EVA_SCREEN_MESSAGE_Y  
* Add ability to switch secondary docking ports (docked) to primary via the PAW.  
* Add advanced tweakable to docking ports that allows the user to set the attraction force percentage as they are docking.  
* Convert same vessel docking connections to real docked connections whenever the vessel undocks or decouples elsewhere on the vessel.  
* Remove from symmetry functionality added to all parts.  
* Add capability for text entry on float fields in the Part Action Window.  
* Clear some references on returning to the main menu to release memory.  
* Add ExternalCmdSeat Ejection Force (advanced tweakable).  
* Add Leave Seat KSPAction.

+++ Localization  
* Fix Contracts using Greek alphabet from failing to display when game set to Russian Language.

+++ Bug Fixes  
* Fix maneuver node tabs being interactable in flight mode even when tabs are hidden.  
* Fix temperature renderer messing with child part renderer parameters.  
* Fix EVA portrait when launching a vessel with Kerbal in external command seat.  
* Fix kerbal highlighting during mouse over.  
* Fix radiator panels not rotating properly.  
* Fix loss of axis and extended action group data when copying parts in the editor.  
* Fix assigned action/axis bindings not highlighting in action group editor when action sets are enabled.  
* Fix part positioning errors on vessel spawning far from Unity Origin.

+++ Mods  
* Part class now has isVesselEVA property which handles when vessel is null.  
* Add ability to override default flow mode on ModuleResource.  
* Add activeEditor attribute to BaseAction to allow these to be disabled.  
* Add GameEvent onPartActionNumericSlider when Numeric Slider button is pressed on a PAW.  
* Add GameEvent onSceneConfirmExit, runs after user input to leave scene prior to FlightState saving.

1.7.3 Changelog - Breaking Ground 1.2.0 DLC ONLY

+++ Improvements  
* Deployed Science Parts will appear under Deployed Science filter and have map nodes if not connected to a Control Station.  
* Add Seismic Science Screen Message even if in sandbox game mode.  
* Add grip pad Parts.  
* Add Propeller Parts.  
* Add LF/Air Rotors.  
* Add Nose Cones.  
* Changed compound part editor behavior to follow robotic parts.  
* Changed Rotor Torque to now affect strength and not RPM.  
* Re-balanced all rotors.  
* Add Extra animations for interacting with Deployed Science.  
* Add Surface Features VFX - apply forces.  
* Add Kerbal taking rock sample animation.  
* Add priority value to KAL - highest priority wins, equal priorities the values are averaged  
* Add ability to assign axes controls to KAL.  
* Add axis Functions to KAL: Move Up, Move Down, Copy/Paste Row, flip Axis vertical/horizontal, align ends, clamp values.  
* Add resize/scale function to KAL.  
* Add play speed slider.  
* Add additional KSPActions for all servos - engage, disengage, lock, unlock, etc.  
* Add shadows LOD settings on Surface Features.

+++ Localization  
* Fix for piston showing variant names in English for all languages.  
* Fix Action Groups KSPedia page in Japanese.

+++ Parts  
New Parts with Variants  
* GP-004 Grip Pad.  
* GP-036 Grip Pad.  
* GP-156 Grip Pad.  
* GPS-025 Grip Strip.  
* GPS-156 Grip Strip.  
* EM-16S Light Duty Rotor.  
* EM-32S Standard Rotor.  
* EM-64S Heavy Duty Rotor.  
* R121 Turboshaft Engine.  
* R7000 Turboshaft Engine.  
* Propeller Blade Type A.  
* Propeller Blade Type B.  
* Propeller Blade Type S.  
* Helicopter Blade Type A.  
* Helicopter Blade Type B.  
* Helicopter Blade Type S.  
* Tiny Nose Cone.  
* Very Small Nose Cone.  
* Fixed 36P Hydraulic Cylinder colliders.

+++ Bug Fixes  
* Fix kerbal transfer being blocked by scanner arm.  
* Fix input locks on EVA kerbals if they ragdoll whilst playing the deployed science part interaction animation.  
* Fix EVA kerbals speed when they interact with a deployed science part whilst running or walking.  
* Fix Science Completed percentage on deployed science experiment PAWs when they are deployed in an invalid situation.  
* Fix Deployed Science experiments continuing to generate science after their Control Station is terminated in the tracking station.  
* Fix pistons not starting in correct position at launch when locked in the editor.  
* Fix collecting Surface Features failing due to kerbal movement caused by animation.  
* Fix excessive EC draw by scanner arm when time warping.  
* Fix hinge rotation when using mirror symmetry.  
* Fix piston drag not changing as extension changes.  
* Fix Deployed Science parts appearing too high above the surface in some situations.  
* Fix WCoM math of parts with servo rigidbodies.  
* Fix SAS cancelling angular velocity of rotors.  
* Fix Robotic Parts Resource information in extended tooltips.  
* Fix EVA kerbal speed when interacting with Deployed Science parts.  
* Fix default science display in Deployed Science Experiments in invalid experiment situation.  
* Fix default 3P6 Hydraulic Cylinder has a noticeable gap when attaching parts to it.  
* Fix misspelled word in the description of the Grand Slam Passive Seismometer.  
* Fix texture seams are present on Hydraulic Cylinders, Pistons and Servos.  
* Fix an NRE is generated when pausing the title at the Space Center after crashing a vessel with a Deployed Seismometer.  
* Fix keyboard keys still manipulate gameplay when changing the name of the Track Editor of the Kal-1000 in flight mode and the Editors.  
* Fix Geyser and Cryovolcano force is not synced with audio and particles.  
* Fix deployed science parts missing 3rd animation.  
* Fix Kerbals lose their ROC-hammer after quick loading.  
* Fix PQ celestial bodies shadow casting option is not enabled when "Celestial bodies cast shadows" setting is on.  
* Fix Rotors not able to reach maximum RPM when un-motorized/motor disabled.  
* Fix KAL controlling parts across vessel.  
* Fix KAL controller being affected by space bar.  
* Fix stage manager display having empty headers in Chinese.  
* Fix kerbal Ragdoll with future suits when they stumble.  
* Fix rotor joints when node attaching parts to rotors.

+++ Miscellaneous  
* Added colliders to the Communotron Ground HG-48 dish.  
* Added unfocused capability to CtrlSurface PAW to reinstate easy access for KrakenTech.

+++ Modding  
* Changed servo current values (extension/position/angle) to be float fields for mod support.




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