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开拓者:拥王者 v1.2升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

开拓者:拥王者 v1.2升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

  • 补丁类型:其他补丁
  • 更新时间:2021-07-31
  • 补丁语言:中文,英文



1.解压缩 2.运行update目录下的setup.exe安装升级档 3.复制codex目录下的文件到游戏安装目录 4.开始游戏






在“Twice-Born Warlord”一章中,能够拯救Nilak(以及Dugath,如果他幸存至今)取决于玩家是否在Tristian面对“Abandoned Keep”区域之前或之后进行“Flintrock草原”区域。如果球员来到Flintrock草原,他们发现Nilak(和Dugath)已经死了。我们将这种依赖性从Nilak(和Dugath)的生存中移除,使Amiri的个人追求更加一致。
在某些情况下,游戏错误地解释了玩家在“Troll Lair”区域与Hargulka和Tartuk作战后所做出的决定。决议:修复。
如果启用了Auto Kingdom Management,那么执行Edrist Hanvaki可能会阻止进一步的游戏(这将阻止游戏时间向前移动)。决议:修复。
Mim Wobblegander在前往Talon Peak的途中不再陷入困境。决议:修复。对于已经被困的已保存游戏的玩家,她现在将在山顶等待他们。
在盛开的季节,在城堡前形成愤怒的暴民的农民可能会对某个喇嘛什图女祭司(位于“僻静的小屋”区域)和一些土匪(“古德林河上的大桥”)的命运犯下错误。 )。决议:修复。

在Rushlight锦标赛期间向Kharne Vereel询问他的阴暗交易的对话选项现在已被锁定,直到玩家从其他角色中发现这些内容。
当使用楼梯到二楼离开“House At The Edge Of Time”区域的地下室时,“Wild Energies”debuff可能会卡在角色上。决议:修复。对于仍然处于“时间边缘的房子”区域的受影响的存储,玩家必须访问被破坏的地下室部分并再次离开以移除debuff。
在某些情况下,在“Ruined Warehouse”区域可能同时存在两个Tartuks。决议:修复。
在盖茨向死亡之谷开放之前,找不到“Vordakai's Tomb”地区。决议:修复。
Trolls和Kobolds在上一章的“Troll Lair”地区死后没有变成灰尘。决议:修复。
在上一章的“Troll Lair”地区的主厅里无法到达生物。决议:修复。
Rikri Sharvan在对话期间画错了肖像。决议:修复。
在最后一章中的插图事件中更改了移动门户的顺序。列表顶部的四个门户将导致Lantern King的诅咒被解除的区域。
在与Irovetti's Palace的Hannis Drelev对话中更改了CG选项中的文字,以更好地代表CG对齐。
不朽的花瓣玻璃曾经位于“Whiterose Abbey”区域,现在位于“Pitax皇宫”区域。反之亦然,Ring of Chaos项目位于“Whiterose Abbey”区域。
如果被问到她被抢劫的地方,那么“Gudrin River桥”地区被抢劫的女子现在将玩家指向正确的方向。
降低了在“Flintrock Grasslands”地区的Amiri的一些外交和恐吓难度检查。
在“Pine Patch”区域引入对话后,相机无法控制。决议:修复。
在“Kobold Trail”活动期间,角色可能会受到不正确的伤害或错误的疾病。决议:修复。
“Everblooming Flower Cradle”区域(最后一章)的门户网站只能使用一次。决议:修复。
在“Gudrin River大桥”区域的上坡攀登期间,仅进行了一次运动技能检查。决议:修复。
改善了“Goblin Fort”地区的路径。
在较低的困难中,如果PC死亡,在Vordakai坟墓中遇到Soul eaters的人可能会陷入困境。决议:修复。
“Troll Lair”区域中间的大入口通道将玩家带到二楼而不是外面。
在第7章中,Maegar Varn可能会在最后一次对话之前死去。决议:修复。
在“Silverstep Lake Village”地区的西北部,您可以召唤一个双足飞龙。召唤它的方式已经变得更加合乎逻辑和一致。

即使满足所有条件,Artisan Varrask也没有带来他的杰作。解决方案:修复。 Varrask将正确地带来杰作。对于已经满足条件的球员,他将在第二次进入宝座时带上它。
连接到Jubilost的文章的事件甚至可能在Jhod不再可用之后发生。分辨率 - 已修复,在这种情况下不会触发事件。
在“Renown Goross Golarion”事件中,王国对齐不会改变以反映玩家当前的对齐方式。决议:修复。从现在开始,调整将按预期变化,资本将反映这些变化。
王国 - 在古代诅咒任务中,显示剩余时间直到诅咒结束的计数器没有显示。决议:修复。

由Horned Hunter射击的箭头造成的瘫痪既没有名字也没有描述。决议:修复。
Extra Arcane Pool专长没有在描述中显示它实际增加了多少奥术池。决议:修复。
矮人特质稳定性并没有为CMD反对Bull Rush尝试提供奖励。决议:修复。
Mass Heal工具提示图片看起来像影响了该地区的每个人。解决方案:工具提示中的插图是修复的(该法术仅影响党员)。
Phantasmal Putrefaction spell现在可以正常工作了。
大生命打击技能曾经需要普通的重要打击,而不是改进的重要打击。解决方案:现在需要改进Vital Strike。
对于Sword Saint Magus原型而言,武器掌握并没有像它应该的那样增加他们的关键乘数。决议:修复。
烹饪:Tristian的个人最爱奖金(吃Shepherd's Pie)现在可以正常使用。
Weapon Finesse提到如果你使用盾牌,那么你将获得相当于你的盾牌护甲检定惩罚的惩罚。解决方案:这部分描述已从武器技巧中删除,因为我们没有实现它。我们觉得没有必要惩罚那些正在制作角色的人而不考虑这一点。

玩家可以在“时间边缘的房子”区域遇见Anoriel Eight Eyes,在那里她让玩家雇佣雇佣兵。
Avinash Jurrg比预期的要弱。决议:他的统计数据现在更恰当地反映了他的种族。

吸血鬼之触的魔杖工作不正确 - 它没有像往常一样存储冲锋法术,并且在没有使用魔法装置检查的情况下也无法工作(即使是在他们的法术列表中有它的类)。决议:修复。
Della Fiorni Crest价格错误。决议:修复。
来自Avinash Jurrg的+4 Full Plate名称不正确。决议:修复。
Singing Edge在RUS和ENG中有不正确的描述,并且提供额外的+3增强加值而不是+2。决议:修复。
Polymorph Greater spell的可视化是修复的。
从Avinash Jurrg获得的盔甲在描述中有误。决议:修复。
Korgath的Shagled Fury的愤怒能力既没有名字也没有描述。决议:修复。
Soot-Blackened Brand是Storyteller感兴趣的一件物品,实在太难找了:它隐藏在一个锁定的侏儒胸部,只会出现在“福特穿越臭鼬河”地区,而“巨魔麻烦”任务很活跃。从现在开始,您只需从同一区域的容器中取出即可。
游戏中遗漏了讲故事者要求你收集的一些项目。解决方案:您现在可以在“Dappled Quagmire”区找到带技术联盟品牌的烧焦螺丝刀,以及第一世界门户网站“Carnival Glade”区域的Tree Crest Inkwell。

从现在开始,您可以随时访问动物伴侣的信息 - 只需打开其主人的库存或角色表,然后向右看。例如,当您因为影响心灵的法术而无法选择宠物时很有用。
从现在开始,操作栏会自动显示激活的异能 - 包括专长和课程以及项目授予的异能。


补丁1.2  -  2019年1月24日 - 第2部分

Stone capital和Wooden capital:已经添加了后期处理视觉效果和FX,以强调当前的对齐。决议:修复。
Rod of Undeath项目没有俄语翻译。决议:修复。
Stag Lord Old Camp(环境改善)。
升级后的资本(夜间照明 - 火炬太亮了)。
超大角色资产 - 矮人战士。决议:修复。

如果总保存文件量超过500MB,则Steam云同步工作不正确。解决方案:最新的保存现在替换Steam Cloud中的旧保存。本地保存保持不变。


Update v1.2.0o:
Patch Highlights:
System: Loading times have been significantly reduced.
New setting: you can now choose to significantly decrease loading times in kingdom management screens at the cost of higher RAM and VRAM consumption.
Multiple difficulty improvements in Chapters 6 and 7.
New feature: you can now enable camera following. Just double-click a character's portrait or hit F to enable it and disable it by manually controlling the camera (WASD, arrow keys or pressing on the mouse wheel). Camera-following is also automatically disabled on battle start.
New feature: to save yourself a loading screen, you can now hover your mouse cursor over the table in the throne room, and you'll see an exclamation mark if anything new has happened in kingdom management while you were gone.
The Storyteller now provides the total number of artifact shards needed to assemble an artifact.
Numerous visual and user interface improvements.

Please, be aware of the plot spoilers in the description below (in the Quest, Areas and Kingdom sections)!

During Nok-Nok's companion quest, the player could gain "Hero" and "Jester" points by making certain decisions and picking certain dialogue options. Gathering a high enough number of these points was the only way to open the relevant story paths for Nok-Nok during the quest arc's finale (and thus save him at the House of the Edge of Time later on). However, it was unclear how to gain said points, which lead to most players getting stuck with the quest arc's "bad ending" and Nok-Nok dying, even if they completed his quests in an otherwise appropriate manner. Resolution: we are streamlining this mechanic. The players will now always be able to select either the "Hero" or the "Jester" path for Nok-Nok during the quest arc's finale. Which path is open to them depends on what type of points they acquired more of.
A dialogue option discussing Valerie's scar didn't disappear from her dialogue even after completing her quest. Resolution: fixed.
From now on, Irlene will take the Chest of Genuine Gemstones from the player when the player delivers it during her quest.
The dialogue with Jubilost about the "Inconsequential debates" never ended if the quest was failed. Resolution: fixed.
In the "Twice-Born Warlord" chapter, being able to save Nilak (and Dugath, if he survived so far) depended on whether the player is doing the "Flintrock Grassland" area before or after confronting Tristian at the "Abandoned Keep" area. If the players come late to the Flintrock Grassland, they find Nilak (and Dugath) already dead. We removed this dependency from the conditions to Nilak's (and Dugath's) survival to make Amiri's personal quest more consistent.
The "Help Amiri kill another mighty monster" objective could be missing after completion of the "Help Amiri kill Tuskgutter" objective in rare cases. Resolution: fixed.
The "Ancient formula" objective couldn't be completed after "Experiment on a wererat and report to Bokken" objective. Resolution: fixed.
The "City of Hollow Eyes" area will now only be available after receiving the "Find the missing Defaced Sisters" objective of the "Along the Cold Trail" quest.
In some resolutions of Jaethals last personal quest, she could unexpectedly disintegrate, which made it impossible to correctly resolve the Test of Loyalty for Jaethal and Tristian at the House of the Edge of Time. Resolution: the underlying issue has been solved and will not reproduce itself. However, unfortunately, the affected saves cannot be fixed.
A weapon slot in Amiri's interface could remain locked after finishing her companion quests. Resolution: fixed.
Even after Jaethal would come to life, she could regain some of her Undead feats with time. Resolution: fixed.
In some cases during Ekun's "Bury the Past" quest, some of the enemy giants would not join the fight on their own, which made it impossible to talk to Ekun afterwards. Resolution: fixed. Those players who have already been affected by this bug (they see Ekun standing on his knees and cannot talk to him) need to kill the giants located one screen to the right.
In some cases, the game incorrectly interpreted the player's decisions taken after fighting Hargulka and Tartuk at the "Troll Lair" area. Resolution: fixed.
It was possible to accidentally fail Valerie's romance before it even begins. Resolution: fixed.
Executing Edrist Hanvaki could block further playthrough if Auto Kingdom Management was turned on (this would stop game time from moving forward). Resolution: fixed.
Mim Wobblegander no longer gets stuck on her way to Talon Peak. Resolution: fixed. For players with saved games where she is already stuck, she will be waiting for them on the top of the mountain now.
Some players could permanently lose access to Nok-Nok if they have seen a certain statue before they were supposed to during his personal quest. Resolution: fixed.
From now on, the "Saving Grace" quest will start no matter what the status of the "Hour of Rage" quest is.
If Stefano Mosconi is alive during the "War of the River Kings" quest, he will now correctly appear in the Throne Room to "invite" the player to Pitax.
During the Season of Bloom, the peasants that form the angry mob in front of your castle could make mistakes about the fate of a certain Lamashtu's priestess (located at the "Secluded Lodge" area) and some bandits ("Bridge over the Gudrin River"). Resolution: fixed.

The dialogue option to ask Kharne Vereel about his shady dealings during the Rushlight tournament is now locked until the player finds out about them from other characters.
Skill checks for the "Trial of Strength" and the "Trial by Pain" illustrated events could be triggered multiple times at the "Armag's Tomb" area. Resolution: fixed.
The "Wild Energies" debuff could get stuck on characters when leaving the basement of the "House At The Edge Of Time" area using the staircase to the second floor. Resolution: fixed. For affected saves where the party are still in the "House At The Edge Of Time" area, players have to visit the ruined basement part and leave it again to remove the debuff.
There could simultaneously exist two Tartuks at the "Ruined Warehouse" area in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
NPC banters disappeared too fast in Varnhold. Resolution: fixed.
Briar didn't disappear from the Inventory when players gave it to Nyrissa. Resolution: fixed.
The "Vordakai's Tomb" area couldn't be found before the opening the Gates to the Valley of the Dead. Resolution: fixed.
Lootable dead body was not visible at the "Wolf Lair" area. Resolution: fixed.
Provided conditions to Amiri's companion dialogue to keep it from becoming overburdened with the growing number of dialogue options.
The diplomacy checks in Darven's dialogue in the Capital were incorrect. Resolution: fixed.
Trolls and Kobolds didn't turn into dust after death at the "Troll Lair" area in the last chapter. Resolution: fixed.
Creatures were not reachable in the main hall at the "Troll Lair" area in the last chapter. Resolution: fixed.
Amiri could be paralyzed, wounded or fatigued at the start of her quest at the "Flintlock grasslands" area. Resolution: fixed.
A secret door opened mechanically but not visually in the library at the "House at the Edge of Time" area. Resolution: fixed.
Rikri Sharvan had the wrong portrait during dialogue. Resolution: fixed.
Changed the order of the traveling portals as they occur in the illustrated event in the final chapter. The four portals on top of the list will lead to areas where the Lantern King's curse is lifted.
Changed the text in the CG option in the dialogue with Hannis Drelev in Irovetti's Palace to better represent the CG alignment.
The Incorruptible Petal glaive used to be in the "Whiterose Abbey" area and is in the "Pitax Royal Palace" area now. Vice versa, the Ring of Chaos item is in the "Whiterose Abbey" area.
Added the tooltips for area pointers for houses in region villages.
Clarified a dialogue option available while discussing the search for Armag's Tomb with Linzi.
Characters could leave the map and get stuck at the final area. Resolution: fixed.
The robbed woman at the "Bridge of Gudrin River" area now points the player in the right direction if asked about where she was robbed.
Lowered some of the Diplomacy and Intimidation difficulty checks for Amiri at the "Flintrock Grasslands" area.
Fixed a bug in the first dialogue with the raven in Vordakai's Tomb.
Dugath was too lazy to take part in the barbarians' meeting on exit from the "Armag's Tomb" area. Resolution: fixed.
Invisible monsters could appear after loading the game during the battle with pirates in the Pitax Tavern. Resolution: fixed.
The arguing peasants at the capital in chapter 3 have now learned to pronounce their names properly.
Fixed a possible bug in Ivar's dialogue at the cliff. Affected players should be able to talk to Ivar once again and finish the dialogue correctly.
The camera was not controllable after introduction dialogues at the "Pine Patch" area. Resolution: fixed.
Inclement weather is no longer triggered in safe areas like the Capital Square. Characters in a safe area now ignore all slowing effects and always move at full speed.
Characters could get an incorrect amount of damage or the wrong disease during the "Kobold Trail" event. Resolution: fixed.
Healing spells weren't applied to the wounded party members during the first Rest at the "Oleg's Trading Post" area. Resolution: fixed.
There was no exit marker on the "Southern Barrens" area map. Resolution: fixed.
Portal to the "Everblooming Flower Cradle" area (the last chapter) could be used only one time. Resolution: fixed.
Athletic skill-check was applied only once during uphill climbs at the "Bridge over the Gudrin River" area. Resolution: fixed.
Improved pathing at the "Goblin Fort" area.
Loading the game from one dimension at the House at the Edge of Time to another could lead to different bugs. Resolution: fixed.
At the "Technic League Encampment" area, it was sometimes impossible to free one of the companions enslaved by the League. Resolution: fixed.
In various points in the game, i.e., at the "Old Sycamore" area, after certain player actions area transitions could disappear. Resolution: fixed.
After upgrading the capital to stone buildings, some of the rooms in houses surrounding the main square could become inaccessible. Resolution: fixed.
On lower difficulties, an encounter with Soul eaters in Vordakai's Tomb could get stuck if the PC died. Resolution: fixed.
Three magical tree stumps could suddenly start moving with the wind at the "Abandoned Hut" area. Resolution: nailed the stumps to the ground.
At the "Other World" area, summoned creatures could trigger the teleport sequence when they entered the blue mist, trapping some players in that area. Resolution: fixed.
You can now only enter Tuskgutter's Lair if you have Amiri in the group.
In some cases, players could get stuck in the capital tavern during romance with Octavia. Resolution: fixed.
At the "Old Sycamore" area, the sleeping bandits' characteristics did not properly reflect the fact that they're sleeping. Resolution: fixed.
The big entryway in the middle of the "Troll Lair" area now takes the player to the second floor instead of outside.
In Chapter 7, Maegar Varn could die before his final dialog. Resolution: fixed.
In the north-west of the "Silverstep Lake Village" area, you can summon a wyvern. The way to summon it has been made more logical and consistent.

The Safe Refuge event didn't change stats for all of the results if resolved by a Regent. Resolution: fixed.
Added a CE option (in addition to the CG one) to spare the priestess of Lamashtu at the "Secluded Lodge" area.
Incorrect rotation of the scaffold of the University building. Resolution: fixed.
The "Flight from a God" event didn't change stats for all of the results if resolved by a Councilor. Resolution: fixed.
Answers that would cost BP or gold now contain a warning during kingdom stat rank-up events.
Artisan Varrask didn't bring his masterpiece even when all the conditions were met. Resolution: Fixed. Varrask will correctly bring the masterpiece. For players who have already met the conditions he will bring it on the second time he comes to throne room.
Players can see the general Kingdom stats in the settlement building interface now.
The Ancient curse events were not marked as critically important. Resolution: fixed.
The 5th rank-up event for the Community stat could get stuck. Resolution: fixed.
Items brought by kingdom artisans could come in an unidentified state. Resolution: instructed the artisans to speak slowly and use short words when explaining to the ruler what their creations do.
Kanerah could suddenly vanish during rank-up events when acting as a Treasurer. Resolution: gave her pills that help with STT (spontaneous tiefling teleportation).
It was impossible to finish the throne room event "A Mysterious Letter has Arrived at the Castle" (a letter from Linxia that comes during the "Deal With the Devil" quest). Resolution: fixed.
In rare cases, if the "Pitaxian crowd" event was started in early versions of the game, some of the previously implemented fixes didn't work. Resolution: fixed.
In rare cases, Dragn could start coming to the throne room endlessly instead of giving the masterpiece. Resolution: fixed.
The event connected to Jubilost's article could happen even after Jhod is not available anymore to present it. Resolution - fixed, the event will not trigger in this case.
Several events were incorrectly marked as opportunities. Resolution: fixed.
Tirval kept coming to talk even if the player decided not to help her. Resolution: fixed.
Kingdom alignment wouldn't change to reflect the player's current alignment during the "Renown Across Golarion" event. Resolution: fixed. From now on, the alignment will change as it should and the capital will reflect those changes.
Some of the Ancient Curse events happened too late. Resolution: these events were moved to an earlier date (warnings still show up 2 weeks in advance).
Kingdom - In the Ancient Curse quests, counters showing time remaining until the end of the Curse didn't show . Resolution: fixed.
Two region upgrades didn't count into the region upgrade counter. Resolution: Fixed.

Classes & Mechanics 
Polar Midnight was incorrectly showing that it only affected enemies. Resolution: fixed.
Paralysis inflicted by arrows shot by Horned Hunter had neither a name nor descriptions. Resolution: fixed.
The Extra Arcane Pool feat did not show in the description by how much it actually increases the arcane pool. Resolution: fixed.
Heal did not remove Insanity. Resolution: fixed.
The Magus' Greater Spell Access ability had the wrong description. Resolution: fixed.
The dwarven trait Stability did not provide a bonus to CMD against Bull Rush attempts. Resolution: fixed.
Icy Prison and Mass Icy Prison spells can be extended by metamagic now.
The Might of the Gods bonus granted by the Strength Domain did not work. Resolution: fixed.
The Elemental Bloodline arcana abilities switched themselves off after each combat. Resolution: fixed.
The Mass Heal tooltip picture looked like it affected everyone in the area. Resolution: the illustration in the tooltip is fixed (the spell only effects party members).
Long duration area spells had incorrectly stated in the description that they only affect enemies. Resolution: fixed.
Some class abilities, for example, the Alchemist's Dispelling Bombs discovery, miscalculated their caster level for dispelling checks. Resolution: fixed.
Rune domain abilities could be used as a free action. Resolution: fixed.
The Barbarian class became fatigued after their Rage ended for two rounds for each round the barbarian spent raging. Resolution: fixed.
Phantasmal Putrefaction spell now works correctly.
In combat, characters with the Magus class had a buff without an icon appearing near their portraits. Resolution: fixed.
Some class abilities, for example, Bard's archetype ability Thunder Call, miscalculated their caster level for the purposes of penetrating spell resistance. Resolution: fixed.
The Greater Vital Strike feat used to require normal Vital Strike instead of Improved Vital Strike. Resolution: It now requires Improved Vital Strike.
For the Sword Saint Magus archetype, Weapon Mastery did not increase their critical multiplier as it should. Resolution: fixed.
Beast Shape II, III, IV and Elemental Body I, II, III, IV spells now work correctly with Alchemist's Infusion discovery.
Swordlord's Counterattack and Blight Druid's Plaguebearer could have been activated by allies (e.g. healing). Resolution: No longer activated by allies.
Feats like Arcane Armor Training, Allied Spellcaster, and Shielded Caster should have had a Not Recommended mark for characters that will find them useless. Resolution: Arcane Armor Training and Arcane Armor Mastery now show as Not Recommended for characters that cannot cast arcane spells, for characters that cannot wear armor or for characters that already have a feature that allows them to ignore arcane spell failure of certain types of armor. Shielded Caster and Allied Spellcaster are now correctly shown as not recommended for characters that cannot cast spells.
Undead were not mechanically affected by the paralysis condition regardless of what caused it, making them practically immune to spells like Chains of Light and some effects of the Undead
Bloodline ability (that should have allowed a Sorcerer/Eldritch Scion to affect undead just as effectively as living creatures with spells like Hold Person). Resolution: fixed.
Cooking: Tristian's Personal Favorite bonus (for eating Shepherd's Pie) now works correctly.
Two-Handed fighters had Dexterity as the recommended stat during character creation instead of Strength. Resolution: fixed, Strength became the recommended stat. 
One of the Divine Hunter's archetype abilities had no description. Resolution: fixed.
The Polar Midnight bonus spell of the Serpentine Bloodline had the wrong description. Resolution: fixed.
Equipping weapons in the inventory screen no longer affects initiative delay in the next battle.
Weapon Finesse mentioned that if you were wielding a shield then you would get a penalty to attack equal to your shield armor check penalty. Resolution: This part of the description was removed from weapon finesse because we did not implement it. We did not feel the need to penalize the people that were making characters without consideration for this.
Dreadful Carnage only worked with weapon attacks. Resolution: Now Dreadful Carnage works with spells as well. Pay attention please that it uses dazzling display and intimidates the enemies around the character and not around the target.
Good Hope area of effect was far larger than the size of the visual effect. Resolution: Good Hope now affects smaller area (15 ft radius).
Kinetic Knight archetype didn't get the bonuses from Skilled Kineticist wild talent. Resolution: fixed.
Kineticist Cold Blast damage for Dark Elementalist and Psychokineticist archetypes was calculated incorrectly, based on kineticist's Constitution. Resolution: fixed.
Tanglefoot bombs' entanglement effect could last too long. From now on, they can only entangle targets for up to 1 minute.
Buffs and debuffs applied by Tsanna during Chapter 7 should now display properly.
Buffs and debuffs applied by the Lantern King should now display properly.
Defender of the True World ability Beguiling Immunity did not work. Resolution: fixed.

Difficulty settings and fixes
The time limit to solve the main quest in the last chapter was a bit too strict. Resolution: the time limit was increased.
Decreased the difficulty of fighting the Wild Hunt: their special abilities have been nerfed on Normal and lower difficulty levels.
Players can meet Anoriel Eight Eyes at the "House at the Edge of Time" area, where she lets the player hire mercenaries.
Players can change the party roster now when leaving the courtyard the at the "House at the Edge of Time" area.
Experience rewards for killing the Wild Hunt, bosses in Irovetti's Palace and in the "House at the Edge of Time" area has been drastically increased.
Powerful area effect abilities and spells cast by the enemy had their DCs lowered on lower difficulties.
Experience rewards for completing last stages of companion quests, quests in the last two chapters and the "War of the River Kings" quest has been drastically increased.
Avinash Jurrg was weaker than intended. Resolution: his stats now reflect his race more properly.

The Hand of Damnation weapon had a mistake in the description: it stated a +1 enhancement bonus instead of +2. Resolution: fixed.
Wand of Vampiric Touch worked incorrectly - it did not store a charge as usual touch spells and did not work without a Use Magic Device check (even for classes that have it on their spell list). Resolution: fixed.
Weapon descriptions had no indication they are monk weapons or are compatible with Weapon Finesse feat. They do now.
Light weapons were not described as such in weapon descriptions. They are now.
The Necklace of Double Crosses was a notable item. Resolution: no longer notable.
The Beholder of Wind amulet had a typo. Resolution: fixed.
The Rigid Oak Staff gave an enhancement bonus to Constitution, instead of a morale bonus. Resolution: fixed.
Some items, for example, most magic shields and robes, were not marked in inventory as magic. Resolution: fixed.
Scrolls of Icy Prison, Icy Prison Mass, Foresight and Grease didn't exist. Resolution: mentioned scrolls have been added.
Clarified the description of the Greater Ring of Balance.
The Della Fiorni Crest had the wrong price. Resolution: fixed.
The Remnant had no flaming visual effect. Resolution: fixed.
The Remnant didn't deal its flaming and divine damage. Resolution: Now all damage applies correctly.
The Unstoppable Khanda had the wrong price. Resolution: fixed.
The +4 Full Plate from Avinash Jurrg had an incorrect name. Resolution: fixed.
The Ring of Law and the Lesser Ring of Balance had incorrect prices. Resolution: prices were adjusted for both items.
The Phylactery of Positive Channeling, the Lesser Phylactery of Positive Channeling, the Lesser Phylactery of Negative Channeling, the Phylactery of Negative Channeling had misleading descriptions. They work only with a Channel Negative/Positive Energy ability. Resolution: The item description has been changed.
The Bleed enchantment worked even after combat ends. Fixed: Now it is removed once combat ends, unless stated otherwise.
Singing Edge had an incorrect description in RUS and ENG and gave an additional +3 enhancement bonus instead of +2. Resolution: fixed.
The Eye of the Tornado crossbow didn't have a usable weapon type. Resolution: now it is heavy crossbow type.
The Polymorph Greater spell's visualization was fixed.
Medusa's "Petrifying Gaze" ability's DC was wrong. Resolution: fixed.
Leviathan's gift robe granted infinite Maximize Spell metamagic uses. Fixed: now it grants only 6 times per day as per description.
Satisfaction, Helmet of the Dusk, Sparkling Helmet, Forest Knight's Bracers and Bladed Plate could have been activated by allies (e.g. healing). Resolution: No longer activated by allies.
Wand of Dispel Magic was non-usable. Resolution: fixed.
The Rod of Flaming Vengeance displayed the name and description of the Rod of the Fearless. Resolution: fixed.
Artisan-produced rods allowed to cancel a rod's buff before the spell was fully cast and thus not to spend charges. Resolution: fixed.
The armor obtained from Avinash Jurrg had an error in its description. Resolution: fixed.
Some loot areas and vendors had non-usable weapons and shields. Resolution: fixed.
The Rage ability of Korgath's Shackled Fury had neither a name nor a description. Resolution: fixed.
The Soot-Blackened Brand, an item that is of interest to the Storyteller, was too hard to find: it was hidden in a locked gnome chest that would only appear at the "Ford across the Skunk River" area while the "Troll Trouble" quest was active. From now on, you can simply pick it up from a container in the same area.
Animal pelts could disappear when transferred into a chest. Resolution: fixed.
A few items that the Storyteller asked you to collect were missing from the game. Resolution: you can now find the Charred Screwdriver with the Technic League's Brand at the "Dappled Quagmire" area, and the Tree Crest Inkwell at the "Carnival Glade" area in the portal to the First World.

User Interface
You can now enable camera following. Just double-click a character's portrait or hit F to enable it, and disable it by manually controlling the camera (WASD, arrow keys or pressing on the mouse wheel). Camera-following is also automatically disabled on battle start.
From now on, you can always access an animal companion's info - just open its master's inventory or character sheet and look to the right. Useful when you cannot select your pet due to mind-affecting spells, for example.
In the class progression screen (seen on the Character sheet and during level-up), feats that allow selecting from different options (i.e., Weapon Focus, Spell Specialization and others) will now show the selected option.
From now on, the action bar automatically displays activated abilities - both those granted by feats and classes as well as by items.
The Storyteller now provides the total number of artifact shards needed to assemble an artifact.
Protective Aura had no icon. Resolution: fixed.
Changed the combat log message that stated the result of the Fortitude save check, when it was supposed to state the result of the Fortification armor chance instead.
The layout of Character Generation dialogues have been improved.
Added a tooltip to the slots for picking new spells on level-ups.
There were no tooltips for Weapon Proficiency. Resolution: fixed.
The following settings have been fixed or adjusted: Screen edge scrolling speed, Keyboard edge scrolling speed, Double-click delay, Tooltip delay.
The following settings have been removed: Mouse sensitivity, Equipment comparison delay.
A chest's filter setting didn't apply to the items. Resolution: fixed.
Added a notification for those cases when traveling the world map is prohibited due to a single companion carrying too much weight.
Rest UI didn't count rations properly if they were divided by several slots. Resolution: fixed.
"Mass sale" button could propose to sell some magical items (like Cloak of Heroism). Resolution: fixed.
Level-up: domain progression has been improved. 
Character Generation: appearance settings could be reset if players returned to the Race page. Resolution: fixed. 
Character Generation: the portrait could be reset to the first in the list in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
Party could get stuck in the "in battle" condition on the Global Map. Resolution: fixed.
A character's Spellcasting Ability can be found in the Spellbook now.
A warning about inability to change equipment in battle has been added.
There could be unpredictable issues if characters leveled up during battles. Resolution: level up is not allowed during battle.
The weapon tooltip has information about matching with Finesse and Monk class now.
If one of multiple NPCs taking part in a dialogue didn't have a portrait, an incorrect portrait could be displayed. Resolution: fixed.
Clicking on the weapon slots located under the character's model in the inventory could increase the weight of items currently carried by that character. Resolution: fixed.
To save yourself a loading screen, you can now hover your mouse cursor over the table in the throne room, and you'll see an exclamation mark if anything new has happened in kingdom management while you were gone.
If a dialog started while the local map window was open, the dialog window would overlap with the party interface. Resolution: fixed.
In some cases, opening the Inventory or Character Sheet windows could open them for the wrong character. Resolution: fixed.
The custom formation description was changed from "NULL" to "Formation". Unfortunately, that only affects newly created characters.

Sound and Voice-Over 
Sometimes a group of Water Elementals could play more than 3 identical sounds simultaneously. Resolution: fixed.
Voices can now be heard when creating custom companions.

Patch 1.2 – January 24th, 2019 – Part 2

Stone capital and Wooden capital: post-process visual effects and FXs have been added to stress the current alignment. Resolution: fixed.
A typo in the name of a voice file could make the Rest scene too long. Resolution: fixed.
Lamashtu added to the encyclopedia.
Localization text fixes. 
A lot of text fixes in dialogues.
New pack of localization fixes for FR, DE, ZH.
Improved consistency in German terms.
Rod of Undeath item had no Russian translation. Resolution: fixed.
Armor of Wealth had an incorrect enhancement bonus stated in Russian description. Resolution: fixed.
Provided a RU description for the Ring of Improved Proficiency.
Clarified the description for Precise Strike in RU.
Fixes to texts in the "Inspect" screen.
General visual improvements in the following areas: 
With the shadows set off, some areas had overexposed models. Resolution: fixed.
Houses could be missing on the Map at the "Varnhold" area. Resolution: fixed.
Barbarian outfits have been improved at the "Six Bears Tribe" area.
Lamashtu cultists' outfits have been improved.
Lumberjacks at the "Overgrown Pool" area didn't look right. Resolution: fixed.
Village vendors don't share Verdel's appearance anymore.
Improved the appearance of the "Ancient Tomb" area.
Jamandi's Throne Room (fog of war).
Visuals for building slots have been improved. 
Lizardfolks Village (lighting).
Hunting Lodge (lighting).
Stag Lord Old Camp (environment improvements). 
Vordakai's Tomb (environment improvements).
Improved lighting in one of the houses that appear when a settlement is built in the Outskirts.
Wilderness Encounter (daytime lighting).
The dis-upgraded capital (nighttime lighting - the torches were too bright).
Other visual fixes and improvements 
NPC animation issues in the Tavern are fixed. 
Dead monsters' lighting now adjust to their environment.
All creatures interact with FluidFog now.
Dragn the artisan doesn't share Harrim's appearance anymore.
Short bow looked incorrectly when worn on the back. Resolution: fixed.
Wind was not working properly in some scenes. Resolution: fixed.
The color of the class costume could be reset to blue (the default one) for multiclass characters. Resolution: fixed.
Scimitar and dueling sword scabbards were upside down. Resolution: fixed.
Halflings didn't know how to hold a spear. Resolution: sent them to the drill sergeant.
Some AoE spell effects have been adjusted.
Oversized Character Asset - Dwarf Fighter. Resolution: fixed.

Loading times have been sig



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