
首页 > 单机游戏补丁 > 其他补丁 > 漫漫长夜 v1.45升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版
漫漫长夜 v1.45升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版

漫漫长夜 v1.45升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版

  • 补丁类型:其他补丁
  • 更新时间:2021-07-31
  • 补丁语言:英文,中文



1.解压缩 2.安装Update文件夹下的升级补丁到游戏目录 3.复制Crack文件夹下的免DVD补丁到游戏目录覆盖 4.运行游戏




* [全部]许多环境艺术修复。
* [ALL]修正了允许玩家在Orca Gas内的床和墙之间移动的问题。
* [ALL]修复了导致Sprains加载屏幕提示出现错误定位的问题。
* [全部]修正了在夜间在某些室内场所出现环境日间照明的问题。
* [ALL]修复了所有游戏模式中保存文件命名约定不一致的问题。
* [全部]修正了玩家可以在同一烹饪表面同时烹饪肉类和煮沸水的问题。
* [ALL]修复了导致某些UI元素上的对齐和重叠文本出现问题的各种问题。
* [全部]修正了玩家可能被困在山城无线电塔附近的岩石上的问题。
* [全部]修复了导致玩家被困在神秘湖地区卡特大坝外的一堆管道中的问题。
* [全部]修复了Forlorn Muskeg北塔附近地形导致一些玩家被困在冰中的问题。
* [ALL]修复了使用游戏手柄或鼠标滚轮时Crafting菜单无法正确滚动的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了导致Old Bear在第二集“破碎的铁路区域”遭遇中看不见的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了在使用熊矛进行蹲伏和瞄准时Stamina栏未显示的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了导致某些教程踢球者出现错误本地化的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了允许玩家在Gray Mother上堆叠物品的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了在加载WINTERMUTE保存时,加载屏幕之前有时会短暂显示UI或游戏元素的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了Mackenzie在第二集中第一次遇到Old Bear后黑屏失败导致相机旋转的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了Old Bear在第二集中Forlorn Muskeg倒塌无线电塔周围的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了卡特大坝内部电缆引发音频时无法播放的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了“Snare a Rabbit”生存学校方面任务的描述,这使得一些玩家无法完成目标。
* [WINTERMUTE]修正了错字并更新了第一集中Grey Mother给玩家的体面登山靴的描述。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了当Grey Mother在第一集中睡觉时打鼾音频无法正常播放的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了导致探索音乐在第二集中与Old Bear相遇时继续播放的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了导致Methuselah在第一集结束时离开Milton任务期间继续出现在Orca Gas的问题。
* [WINTERMUTE]修复了在第二集结束时电梯门在卡特大坝中打开的问题,如果玩家在麦肯齐说话时与他们互动的话。
* [WINTERMUTE]在绿色幸存者体验模式中调整狼群的攻击性较低。
* [生存模式]修复了一个隐形障碍阻止玩家进入Hushed River Valley Region的洞穴的问题。
* [生存模式]修复了钢锯的碰撞形状使得在各种表面上放置物品更容易的问题。
* [生存模式]修复了导致几个标记在游戏地图上无法正确显示的问题。
* [生存模式]修复了导致无线电塔在Mystery Lake游戏地图上显示不正确的问题。

* [ALL]固定颜色等级,用于清晨环境照明效果。
* [生存模式]修复了女性幸存者未出现在Paper Doll屏幕上的Rabbitskin Hat。
* [WINTERMUTE]在第二集“一个人可以做的任务”期间,在洞穴系统中改进了Old Bear的路径。请注意,我们仍在努力解决旧熊可能陷入困境的所有情况。


Update v1.45:
*[ALL] Numerous environmental art fixes.
*[ALL] Fixed issue that allowed the player to move between the bed and the wall inside Orca Gas.
*[ALL] Fixed issue causing the loading screen tip for Sprains to appear with incorrect localization. 
*[ALL] Fixed issue causing ambient daytime lighting to appear during nighttime in some indoor locations.
*[ALL] Fixed issue where save file naming conventions were not consistent across all game modes.
*[ALL] Fixed issue where players could simultaneously Cook Meat and Boil Water on the same Cooking surface.
*[ALL] Fixed various issues causing problems with alignment and overlapping text on some UI elements.
*[ALL] Fixed issue where players could become trapped against the rocks near the radio tower in Mountain Town.
*[ALL] Fixed issue causing players to become trapped in a stack of pipes outside Carter Dam in Mystery Lake Region.
*[ALL] Fixed issue with the terrain near the North Tower in Forlorn Muskeg that caused some players to become trapped in the ice.
*[ALL] Fixed issue that kept the Crafting menu from scrolling correctly when using a gamepad or the mousewheel. 
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing the Old Bear to appear invisible during the encounter in Broken Railroad Region in Episode Two. 
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue where the Stamina bar was not displaying when Crouching and Aiming with the Bear Spear.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing some tutorial kickers to appear with incorrect localization.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue that allowed players to stack items on Grey Mother.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue where a UI or game element could sometimes appear briefly before the loading screen, when loading a WINTERMUTE save.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing the camera to spin after Mackenzie blacks out during the first encounter with the Old Bear in Episode Two.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issues with the Old Bear’s pathing around the fallen radio tower in Forlorn Muskeg in Episode Two.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue that kept the audio from playing when cables sparked inside Carter Dam.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue with the description for the “Snare a Rabbit” Survival School side mission that kept some players from completing the objective.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed typo and updated the description for the Decent Mountaineering Boots given to the player by Grey Mother in Episode One.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue that kept snoring audio from playing correctly while Grey Mother sleeps in Episode One.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue that caused exploration music to continuing playing during an encounter with the Old Bear in Episode Two.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing Methuselah to continue appearing at Orca Gas during the Leave Milton mission at the end of Episode One.
*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue that kept the elevator doors from opening in Carter Dam at the end of Episode Two, if a player interacted with them while Mackenzie was speaking.
*[WINTERMUTE] Tuned Wolves in Green Survivor Experience Mode to be less aggressive.
*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed issue with an invisible barrier preventing players from entering a cave in Hushed River Valley Region.
*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed issue with the collision shape for the Hacksaw to make Placing the item easier on various surfaces.
*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed issue that kept several markers from appearing correctly on the game map.
*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed issue causing the Radio Tower to appear incorrectly on the game map for Mystery Lake.

Update v1.44:
*[ALL] Fixed colour grading for early-morning ambient lighting effects.
*[SURVIVAL MODE] Fixed Rabbitskin Hat not appearing on the Paper Doll screen for the female survivor.
*[WINTERMUTE] Improved the Old Bear’s pathing when in the cave system during the What One Man Can Do mission in Episode Two. Please note we’re still working to resolve all scenarios where the Old Bear can become stuck.




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